Thursday, 1 August 2013

ANNA UNIVERSITY 2nd,4th,6th,8th semester RESULTS MAY/JUNE 2013

                           Results  Ahoy!

ANNA UNIVERSITY MAY/JUNE 2013 2nd,4th,6th,8th semester RESULTS!

Finally the wait is over for those of u who 've been waiting and chow time for those(of us ;p) who 've never even wanted to hear about it for another few days let alone waiting.... lol :p.

Any how its time SHOW TIME,so hold your breadth and keep ur fingers crossed  if u are expecting something ReAlly "BIG" and click the link below .all the best :)! 
even if you dont expect anything ter's no other go buddy just go ahead and click it!We need to face off with the results!
Once again all the best to all of you out there!:)


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